Note : Using a monotonic increasing sequence in an Oracle RAC Env may be the root cause for a major Performance problem .
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Create table and Create Sequence Script : drop table logemp2; create table logemp2 ( LOGID number, EMPNO number(4), message varchar(40) ); alter table logemp2 add CONSTRAINT logemp2_pk PRIMARY KEY (logid); desc logemp2; drop sequence SEQ_LOGEMP2; create sequence SEQ_LOGEMP2 minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999 start with 1 increment by 1; Entity JAVA code; public class Logemp2 implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // @Max(value=?) @Min(value=?)//if you know range of your decimal fields consider using these annotations to enforce field validation @Id @SequenceGenerator(name="SEQ_GEN", sequenceName="SEQ_LOGEMP2", allocationSize=1) @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="SEQ_GEN") @Basic(optional = false) @NotNull @Column(name = "LOGID") private BigDecimal logid; @Column(name = "EMPNO") private Short empno; @Size(max = 40) @Column(name = "MESSAGE") private String message; Java code to write a record private void writeLog(Emp2 e, String m, EntityManager em) throws Exception { String methodName = "writelog()"; short eno = e.getEmpno(); Logemp2 l = new Logemp2(); l.setEmpno(e.getEmpno()); // l.setLogid() is serviced by our database sequence l.setMessage(m); try { em.persist(l); } catch ( Exception e1) { setRunTimeInfo("Error writing LOG RECORD in " + methodName + " - Error: " + e1.getMessage() ); genericException( "Error writing LOG RECORD in " +methodName , e1); } }