Manually add database/instance resources after a complete CRS reconfiguration

Potential RAC startup  problems and their solution

ORA-29760: instance_number parameter not specified during startup

Start the database instance with sqlplus
SQL> startup nomount
ORA-29760: instance_number parameter not specified

Checking instance paramter on grac43
SQL>  create pfile='/tmp/p.ora' from spfile;
File created.
SQL> !more /tmp/p.ora
--> Missing parameters for instance  grac43

Add instance parameters
SQL> alter system set instance_number=3 scope=spfile sid='grac43';
SQL> alter system set thread=3  scope=spfile sid='grac43';
SQL> alter system set undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS3'  scope=spfile sid='grac43';

SQL> startup
ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 9925

--> Follow Node the notest bels - if this don't work start sqlplus with strace attache
Connect /as sysdba or Startup Fails With ORA-09925 When Instance Is Down (Doc ID 392643.1)
Database Authentication Is Failing With "ORA-09925: Unable To Create Audit Trail File" (Doc ID 1227964.1)

3 thoughts on “Manually add database/instance resources after a complete CRS reconfiguration”

  1. Your Site is very informative and helpful. You are a master
    I just wanted know what is the actual command for “crs” as i dont see there is “CRS” command.
    Following is one of the example you are using to find the svc details, but i could not use this command
    I tried crsctl stat res -t /p etc., but couldnt get output what you get from this
    crs | egrep ‘hr.svc|NAME|—-‘

    Appreciate if you could help with this

    1. Hi,
      crs [ and crsi ] are both shell scripts to display the CRS status.
      You can download these scripts by using Menu Path
      RAC -> RAC Generic -> RAC Scripts

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