Review related Vbox.log file :
00:10:47.393660 PGM: Failed to procure handy pages; rc=VERR_NO_MEMORY rcAlloc=VINF_SUCCESS rcSeed=VINF_SUCCESS cHandyPages=0x8 00:10:47.393667 cAllPages=0xd1147 cPrivatePages=0x4cbb1 cSharedPages=0x0 cZeroPages=0x84571 00:10:47.393716 GMM: Statistics: 00:10:47.393717 Allocated pages: 4a7b5 00:10:47.393718 Maximum pages: ced9e 00:10:47.393722 Ballooned pages: 0 00:10:47.393757 PGM: Failed to procure handy pages; rc=VERR_NO_MEMORY rcAlloc=VINF_SUCCESS rcSeed=VINF_SUCCESS cHandyPages=0x7 00:10:47.393759 cAllPages=0xd1147 cPrivatePages=0x4cbb2 cSharedPages=0x0 cZeroPages=0x84570 00:10:47.393773 GMM: Statistics: 00:10:47.393774 Allocated pages: 4a7b5 00:10:47.393775 Maximum pages: ced9e 00:10:47.393775 Ballooned pages: 0 00:10:47.393791 VM: Raising runtime error 'HostMemoryLow' (fFlags=0x2) 00:10:47.393803 PGM: Failed to procure handy pages; rc=VERR_NO_MEMORY rcAlloc=VINF_SUCCESS rcSeed=VINF_SUCCESS cHandyPages=0x7 00:10:47.393806 cAllPages=0xd1147 cPrivatePages=0x4cbb2 cSharedPages=0x0 cZeroPages=0x84570 00:10:47.393854 GMM: Statistics: 00:10:47.393854 Allocated pages: 4a7b5 00:10:47.393855 Maximum pages: ced9e 00:10:47.393856 Ballooned pages: 0 00:10:47.393868 VM: Raising runtime error 'HostMemoryLow' (fFlags=0x2) 00:10:47.393877 AssertLogRel D:\tinderbox\win-4.3\src\VBox\VMM\VMMR3\VMM.cpp(1771) int __cdecl VMMR3EmtRendezvous(struct VM *, unsigned int,int (__cdecl *)(struct VM *,struct VMCPU *,void *),void *): !pVCpu->vmm.s.fInRendezvous 00:10:47.393889 Console: VM runtime error: fatal=false, errorID=HostMemoryLow message="Unable to allocate and lock memory. The virtual machine will be paused. Please close applications to free up memory or close the VM" 00:10:47.393962 Changing the VM state from 'RUNNING' to 'GURU_MEDITATION'. 00:10:47.394049 VMR3Suspend: 00:10:47.394063 RUNNING -> SUSPENDING, RUNNING_LS -> SUSPENDING_EXT_LS failed, because the VM state is actually GURU_MEDITATION 00:10:47.394086 VMSetError: D:\tinderbox\win-4.3\src\VBox\VMM\VMMR3\VM.cpp(3443) int __cdecl vmR3TrySetState(struct VM *, const char *,unsigned int,...); rc=VERR_VM_INVALID_VM_STATE 00:10:47.480987 VMSetError: VMR3Suspend failed because the current VM state, GURU_MEDITATION, was not found in the state transition table 00:10:47.481081 Console: VM runtime error: fatal=false, errorID=HostMemoryLow message="Unable to allocate and lock memory. The virtual machine will be paused. Please close applications to free up memory or close the VM" 00:11:31.943972 Console::powerDown(): A request to power off the VM has been issued (mMachineState=Stopping, InUninit=0) 00:11:31.946624 Changing the VM state from 'GURU_MEDITATION' to 'POWERING_OFF'.